Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The whole point to being "emo","indie","alternative" or whatever is to be different in some sort of way. Yes. seriously everyone is different but some differences are very similar to other. Yeah... I have been seeing this trend in my high school and for real that's not really that cool. So I'm not telling you I'm just saying do something very "out there!" Like for me I dress a little crazy and I'm crazy in general and I love NBC the movie SO WAT! Even when some people do talk about it in a somewhat negitive way ,people that really do care about you will support you even if its a little crazy. So to all the people that follow the wave, It's cool to keep up in whatever but be yourself becuase it's the basic point of being "alternative" or whatever. That's why we don't belittle ourselves into wearing,saying,doing EVERYTHING like everyone else. AND THAT'S WAY RAD...yet I typed rad so what ,oh well. So you can take some of my ideas and mix yours and your friend's ideas and stuff to create a totally orginial you.

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