Friday, March 19, 2010

"Fashion baby b*tch crazy"

Lady GaGa! Pretty much know to basically be herself. I personally really love her sense of music and style without being slutty. I personally think too many celebrities that teens that look up to are too sexually provoking.....seriously you really want 10 or 12 year old kids singing about drugs and sex? Yeah sure Lady Gaga does have some sexual terms in some of her songs but the majority of her songs have a good meaning behind it. Also I really applaud her with her uniqueness and how she really stayed true to herself. Personally, I think if I was that famous, I feel that I would fall into the "norm" of Hollywood. But yes, I really appreciate her being a put together person and also having good morals. Also I want to add that I just love how no matter how crazy her outfits are there is still a touch of classiness or moderateness to it. Not many people in this world have such good intentions or they don't think how it would effect other people's minds. At least with Gaga, she's trying to make people more open minded about music, fashion, and sexuality. Her music might not be my personal TOP FAVs but I do really admire staying true to herself and I think with her actions, she might really effect my ways of thinking and doing things. I much more daring with my clothing now after seeing her being so out there with fashion. Anyway, who cares about who looks and thinks about you. I can't say I don't but I care less now. Anyway, Keep up the good work GaGa!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Full of Hate

Hi guys, sorry that i haven't been posting recently....I just got so caught up in work... anyway, the topic that I will be talking about is hate more specifically the WestBro Baptist Hate Group. I wanted to mention them because they are actually "touring" around the nation protesting how "bad" and "sinful" gays, minorities, Jewish, Americans....basically everyone is. I'm not Christian and I'm not really familiar with the religions teachings but isn't it the whole picture of this religion or any religion in fact is to live a good-hearted life? That's what I thought at least. Surely, certain religions have there is beliefs and dis-beliefs but do yo really need to force those thoughts down our minds until we break down into tears? Also, I have plenty of friends with a Christian background and even they think this is WAY TOO RADICAL! If everyone in the whole is for offending to you why don't you just kill yourself....."God" would understand if were in so much 'pain." Just saying I personally think these people need to get open minded. What I really don't understand is why they are so happy about being such a hateful group of people? Hmmmm......think about that WestBro...... Also I think you should think about "love thy neighbor as thyself..." soo.....In a sense you are protesting against yourself....BUT there is a good side to this horrible act of hate, there is more GSA groups forming in my county after the protest happen so I guess it the peoples' way to stand up and do something.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Almost Alice

ALICE,ALICE,ALICE everywhere! Of course everyone is pretty hyped about the Alice in Wonderland remaking by Tim Burton. Actually, I been knowing about this remaking for a while but there wasn't any information to actually make a blogpost about it. From the visual and style of Tim Burton and the signature creativity of the actual storyline of the movie many designers from all over the world are coming up with amazing designs that were inspired by he up and coming feature film. From what heard the new, edgier designs won't be like anything you have ever seen in your life. Non of that normal blue and white dress. Many of the designers are actually making pieces inspired by each of the characters of the movie. Also the most ground breaking media release which was the 3OH!3 song "Follow Me Down" which was inspired by the film. Most likely this song and many of the "inspired" songs won't be used in the film but don't my word it. Plus, it has been officially stated by Disney that they will be releasing two CDs which one contains the music scores of the movie and one with the "inspired" music by various artists.

"Follow Me Down" by: 3OH! 3 feat. Neon Hitch

Sunday, January 10, 2010

TrayceShaw Update!:D

Change is good! Pretty much summed up in this vid by Trayce Shaw! Anyway, I just wanted to add more to it (or repeat it haha.) As many of my friends said "Harry you changed so much from same time last year to now." Which I take in a good way. For me personally, I don't have such a gloomy outlook on life, my style of clothing has changed or matured, some of my music, I'm much more open, and I guess I just feel better about myself. Of course there is a darker side of change too, that is what I try to stay away from. I have seen first hand someone changing and seriously I really don't want to hang out with them. DON'T! get suck into drugs... and all that horrible stuff. Also changing yourself so someone (not family) would notice or like you. I have done this before just because I'm dumb and there is not guarantee that I will not stop doing this but PLEASE guys do be like me and stay true to yourself. That is one lesson I still need to learn.

Vid by Trayce Shaw
Also check out his NEW Myspace! Just click HERE