Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hey guys.. i have been really bored so i have been on youtube a lot and guess who i discovered? TRAYCE SHAW. Yeah he is this really hot, smart, bisexual kid that makes the COOLEST videos ever. Did i mention he is a total HOTTY ! He basically gives advise to bisexual or homosexual kids that need help on anything about there sexuality. Also he does do comedy too and both are pretty TIGHT ASS. Seriously look him up on youtube. i'm not kidding DO IT NOW :)


Jon said...

I've been watching his videos for about two years now. I agree, he's definitely one of the best YouTubers out there and has even helped me deal with the struggles I have had with being bisexual and accepting it. And yes, he's absolutely gorgeous and funny as hell.

Anonymous said...

Yeah trayce shaw is freaking awesome, and can definitely be my hero of the year

Anonymous said...

Yeah he deleted his YouTube account a few months ago, when he got back from rehab, and your video links don't work anymore


He's been dating Shelby Lavallie for over a two years now, and I don't think he even identifies himself as bisexual anymore.

Anonymous said...

Just because he's in a long term relationship with a girl doesn't mean he's not bisexual. He's not bisexual if he tells us that he isn't!

Anonymous said...

I wish there was a way to access his old videos; I have a few friends that could really use his advice