Sunday, July 5, 2009

Alex Evans "Style"

Hehehe...... Yeah I'm quite lame for calling it Alex Evans "style" but trust me if you are a fan you will know what I'm talking about. Well lets stop talking about Alex's radness and lets go on to a more important topic. Uhhh...... I just took and edited a picture as you can see above and firstly I wanted to talk about that one of my friends brought up about month or more ago. It was basically called "Formally Rude" or something close to that and it's like how people get all dressed up in formal outfits blah blah blah....but except that this specific look is somewhat more edgy.How you say? well seen in the photo I pretty much look somewhat formal or at least semi-formal but i threw in a LIME GREEN skinny tie to change it up. Personally I love doing this to all formal parties and get-togethers.hehehe... Oh yeah :D I wanted to talk about a topic relating to the blog post on Alex's Blog (on the right of the srceen) and he talked about how parents can be overbearing. Which can be very true! Think about it ,if a parent is way too protective you the child seriously the kid will go crazy. Trust me I know some people like that and they are not the most pleasant people to be around BUT you have to look at it another way that the parent is just trying to be the best it can be and which it good but can have the opposite effect on the person. So in the simplest terms let your child have some freedom and trust not to be stupid but still try to keep them "in line." And as for us (the teens) we should totally act more mature so your parents can trust you to do stuff alone or with friends without adults stalking you 24-7.Oh yeah BTW: don't worry my face is not really that yellow it's just the effect that I got from editing my picture.

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