Saturday, July 25, 2009

Off The Racks

"Straight Off The Racks" is a term that I use to explain how people put no personality to there clothing which refers back to the quote. Do you get it? I was at the mall this past Friday and yet I seriously thought I saw a walking advertisement for Hot Topic. What they wore was EXACTLY what was on the store windows. I only thing I had to say was WOW! Seriously, I don't see any personality coming though the clothes. They really were a walking billboard for a stereotype of a "scene" or "emo" person. That's why I try to drift away from those words when I try to explain myself. Please could people just put more thought in there clothes before wearing it!!!!! And now I know why some people are against Hot Topic Company.'s true....please don't hate them. I guess people claim they are too business orientated but please people think it is a business so it has to try to sell you stuff. If not they would go out of business.Yeah there image for the company is to not be business related and try to be more " outspoken" but it really boils down to being a business. Who knows I still love Hot Topic but I try to personalize it before wearing it.

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