Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This a very a IMPORTANT issue happening right now! This effects everyone in every type of social group,clique,friends...... HATE, yes hate is everywhere. It's a horrible truth but seriously it happens everyday,hour,minute,second.. I don't understand why people hate. Yeah, to tell you the truth the "emo","scene" style can be a lot to see and yes it is outspoken style of clothing. The style can be too edgy for more conservative people but still that is not a good reason to hate now. The hate might come from first how people thought that "emo" or "scene" guys are wimps, cry babies, weak etc...... and then "emo" but mostly "scene" girls are basically sluts wearing abnormally bright colors. From thoses horrible strerostypes people began to hate "emo" and "scenes" with a bitter rage! Yes, some "emo" and "scene" people do act like the stereostypes but most don't, so there is no reason to care. If you look hard, in every social group there is some type of sterostype or characteristic to hate but it should never be anything as serious as hurting people or evening hating it in the first place. THE WORLD IS SICK. HELP HEAL IT! NOW!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Seriously OK guys, Let me get this straight for anyone who is hatin' about bisexuals. First of all!,we don't like anything that moves or lives YES! we do have standards like everyone else.Surely, there are the one or two sluts that say they are "bi" because they are sluts.Still, this is a very serious matter because why judge someone on something so ....idk.....so not your business. Secondly, We do respect others political views on "Prop 8" in California but still we won't be rude to you unless you are to us. Gosh guys, and lastly PLEASE don't strerotype that are bisexual is usually "scene' ,not all scene /emos are bi nor gay but you can say a majority but never all of them. In just the most simpliest terms don't hate on something that someone can't change like race,color,sex,height,health........ This is not a choice!
HONESTLY!!! this is not a way to get a attention because yeah sure it is a very attention grabbing topic but still if bi,gay....people are so unaccepted by sociality why put more shit on yourself. For that this is a great reason to PROOVE that being bi is not for attention. It's just how you are and if you one of the haters think what they might think.Being hatin for something unchangable about you. Do you want that no. So we as a whole should be more opened minded and be OK for bi,gay....people. We got over color but why not orientation.

BTW: Trayce Shaw's video pretty much somes it up for what I'm trying to say.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Refreshing :D

Refreshing...this term is usually used to describe a drink or ice cream.... but just now it describes my summer school class. Yeah, it sounds retarded but let me explain...well, for me it's refreshing to meet new people after seeing the same boring people every single day this year.I'm adjusted of having Gabby and Kailee(the BFFFF secret lovers hehe),Kayle my fashion obsessed friend,Vincent the oddly nice person..... and on and on and on... but finally for today I got out of that circle of people and I get to meet new people of different walks of life and experiences. It's almost a kind of nice but I'm not saying that I don't love my friends,I'm just saying it's just refreshing to meet new people! Pretty much I love how everyone doesn't really know each other very much except for the actual friends that came together to summer school. Besides that pretty much you have a clean record. NO HATERS BUT NO LOVERS.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Yeah....at least for me I have summer school soon...actually next week.Don't worry it's not like i failed a class it's just for GYM because of the CFA thing.Besides that I really wanted to talk about HAIR!IDK why it's just because that I have been looking for a hair razor or whatever they call them and along the way I found some HOT! pictures of "emo or scene" hair more correctly worded of choppy,razored,layered.....hair. And I would like to say if you want razored hair GO FOR IT! Yeah for me at least cutting my own hair is kind of scary becuase that if you mess up there's no turning back unless you are really good at that stuff. So I highly recommand a friend that you know that is pretty good at cutting/styling whatver hair ask them.Trust me the salon people suck! They don't know what they are doing unless it is just a trim of something less complicated. Well for the picture,heres a strerotypical "scene or emo" hairstyle with the bangs going on one side and covering or almost covering one of the eyes. Usually black or the majority black. By the Way the picture is also ALEX EVANS in his darker times. (If you have not been keeping up with Alex actually he has done a somewhat quick change from "scene or emo" for more alternative and the Urban Outfitters scene or style. But still really hot both ways!)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Something to LAUGH at!!!!

Finally school is basically over.YAY! Yeah there's something to laugh at! Lets end this school year on a good note and stop all drama and bullshit that has been going on during this school years. Looking back on this year I can truly say that I changed for the better. I'm much more content with myself.I express things and a much healthier way and not hiding it from my best friends. Surely there have been EXTREME ups and downs but I survived it and came out a better person! True, I still have strond dislikings for certain people and things but I met so many people to replace my hatrid for love. Also I'm much for daring for how I look and I think I'm over coming my fear of what people think of me. Also I "discovered" ALOT of new music over a period just serveral months. ALSO the most important I started this blog so I can voice my opinions and views on certain topics and issues. Thanks for all the support! Don't worry I will keep on posting things thoughout the summer!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Just want to say NOW you can "rate" my posts on the bottom of each post now and I'm pretty sure anyone can comment on the post too! YAY Also I think my view count is broken uuuug...... Yeah thanks anyway for helping me for spreading the news of my blog! P.S. THANKS YOU 13 PEOPLE FOR VOTING IN THE POLL!! Plus is anyone want to go to the mall this FRIDAY.Yeah I was and stilling planning to go with some friends from HCMS but I heard there was ALOT of drama so IDK about the event but I hope everything works out by this end of the week. PLEASE everyone I really want to meet everyone:)

Friday, June 5, 2009


Oh my gosh! To tell you the truth the world if filled with hate. It's pretty sad but it's true. Sorry GUYS. More specifically for schools ,hate mostly starts with labeling. Yeah, people do label me as "scene" or "emo" and to tell you the truth it's kind of cool but for real it's really not good. This argument really started with a video responds about someone RANTING how he "dislikes" (i'm using very light terms) scene kids and how they dress,act,blah blah, blah. Sadly, I personally this WOW you took that much energy to bash on a social group that doesn't even do anything to harm you.He is basically saying I hate how you dress well for the most part and he states that he hates how"they" think that they are so unique and "different." To tell you the truth we are different BUT everyone else is too so why are being so stupid about it?So basically DONT LABEL! HMMMM... can you answer that "SCENEHATER" (he actually said that on his video.) WARNING:CRAZY CUSSING AND HATE OF THIS VIDEO.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


This pictures basically depicts the MOST minimum things in anyone's wardrobe EXCEPT for a few exception like the hair. If you have everything else you should be good. REMEMBER everyone this is the most basic things you need. It only get better from this. Just think of this of a canvas and everything else is the paint and you are the artist.Yes I know I'm such a art nerd.