Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Seriously OK guys, Let me get this straight for anyone who is hatin' about bisexuals. First of all!,we don't like anything that moves or lives YES! we do have standards like everyone else.Surely, there are the one or two sluts that say they are "bi" because they are sluts.Still, this is a very serious matter because why judge someone on something so not your business. Secondly, We do respect others political views on "Prop 8" in California but still we won't be rude to you unless you are to us. Gosh guys, and lastly PLEASE don't strerotype that are bisexual is usually "scene' ,not all scene /emos are bi nor gay but you can say a majority but never all of them. In just the most simpliest terms don't hate on something that someone can't change like race,color,sex,height,health........ This is not a choice!
HONESTLY!!! this is not a way to get a attention because yeah sure it is a very attention grabbing topic but still if bi,gay....people are so unaccepted by sociality why put more shit on yourself. For that this is a great reason to PROOVE that being bi is not for attention. It's just how you are and if you one of the haters think what they might think.Being hatin for something unchangable about you. Do you want that no. So we as a whole should be more opened minded and be OK for bi,gay....people. We got over color but why not orientation.

BTW: Trayce Shaw's video pretty much somes it up for what I'm trying to say.

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